Where your journey begins
Dragons come to us from a variety of different pre-school settings and we value taking time and care to help settle them into their new surroundings, making the transition from nursery to ‘big school’ as smooth as possible.
Catering to different needs
Our youngest Dragons start school aged 4 and join one of our three Reception classes. Each classroom is home to a maximum of 16 Dragons, a class teacher and qualified Learning Assistant, ensuring a 1:8 adult to child ratio. The room is designed to be engaging and inviting, with a wide range of stimulating activities which aim to promote a spirit of curiosity and foster a love of learning right from the start.
We provide a well-planned, varied and creative programme of activities, many of which are based on learning through play and peer interaction. We are aware that children can learn the same thing in different ways so we cater for children’s differing needs within each area of the curriculum, building on their existing understanding and experiences.
Learning through play
Our Reception Dragons have many opportunities to play and learn effectively both indoors and outdoors, through a mixture of self-initiated experiences and adult-planned instruction. They are given daily opportunities to explore and investigate in free play situations with their friends alongside the more formal teaching. There is constant access to a role-play area, play trays, construction kits and small world set-ups, a calming reading spot, and paint, sand, water and playdough are always popular activities. Washing and appropriately sized toilet facilities are easily accessible for children to help develop their independence and personal hygiene.

The school day
The Reception day starts any time from 8.15 am to 8.45 am and finishes at 3.30 pm with wrap around care available from 7.45 am to 5.30 pm. There are timetabled breaks for snacks and socialising outside alongside a school-provided healthy lunch, which is eaten at a table in class groups with the class teacher or learning assistant. Playtime happens in the Reception-only playground, whatever the weather conditions. There is a range of toys, bicycles, climbing equipment and role play areas as well as a sand pit, flower bed and mud kitchen to entertain even the most active and imaginative little Dragon.
Discover the Dragon

Book an Open Morning
There's only one way to properly experience the Dragon, and that is to come and see us in action - we hold Open Mornings every term at both the Pre-Prep and the Prep.

How to apply
When it comes to education, one size doesn’t fit all. Finding the right school is a highly personal, two-way process and our Admissions team are on hand to answer any questions you have.
Call us on +44 (0)1865315405 / 413.

Dragon Pre-Prep Houses
The aim of the House groups is to encourage teamwork across the age ranges with elements of competition thrown in such as the awarding of House points for showing the Dragon Values and sports day. Children in Year 3 can gain leadership opportunities as House Captains who work with the House staff to arrange events over the year.