Violet Blackburn OD 2015

Violet Blackburn OD 2015

The Dragon encouraged a culture of learning that I have not experienced anywhere else; I had some excellent teachers that were passionate about their subject and inspired interest in all of us. I definitely would never have had the opportunity to learn Latin without the Dragon, which was by far my favourite subject in senior school and I ended up taking it for A-Level. I also don’t think I would have been as passionate about music as I am now, as having music lessons and participating in choirs at the Dragon really inspired me to pursue music at my senior school as well. I had singing and piano lessons during my time at the Dragon and I also sang in the Chamber and Idris choirs.

I have so many fond memories, going down to the river in the summer was always lovely. My friends and I got into the habit of playing cards during lunch which sometimes got very competitive! A friend and I had a Dragon Sale stall every year, and planning and executing it was always fun, especially during the years it was snowing! As a bursary pupil, I was advised to try to take all the opportunities I was offered at the Dragon, which I would say is very good advice.

If I hadn’t received a bursary from the Dragon, I don’t think I would have ever come to enjoy learning as I do now, my life would definitely have turned out very differently. I think it’s a huge part of the Dragon culture to offer those opportunities to people. I also think that in some cases, the quality of education and the experiences offered by the Dragon are less likely to be taken for granted by bursary students, as we are well aware of how privileged we are to be afforded those opportunities.

I went on to Tudor Hall school which I left in 2020 and am now at uni studying Japanese which is exciting!
