Community News summer 2024

Catherine Lewis, Archivist

We welcome many donations to our archives which continue to enrich our collection and contribute to the wonderful history of the Dragon. Our latest acquisition was donated by Margaret Pinsent née Bowen (OD 1939), and we present one of the treasures – a postcard from Charles ‘Skipper’ Lynam to Margaret in the summer holidays of 1936.  Images below:


Margaret lived a few doors away from the Skipper and recalls visiting his home whilst she was at the Dragon and being enthralled by his pet parrot. Even after his retirement in 1920, Skipper wanted to get the best out of Dragon pupils, giving detailed feedback on their work and providing generous praise when it was deserved. Margaret says that she always read his comments carefully and did her best to act on the suggestions that he made.  

Under Skipper Lynam’s leadership, children were encouraged to develop individual talents and interests, and he famously said that ‘classrooms are the playing field of the mind, not its prison’. This postcard is a charming insight into some of the things that make the Dragon special – showing interest in each and every individual, encouraging a rounded education, creating a lifelong love of learning and not forgetting to mention the holiday diaries. I asked Margaret if she had indeed read Moonfleet and she told me she had actually just re-read it! 

Skipper Lynam made the Dragon the school it is today. In addition to his educational principles, he advocated for subsidised tuition for talented students unable to pay full fees. Today, his impact is felt not only in the enduring ethos of the school but also in the Dragon’s commitment to philanthropy and social impact. It is only fitting, therefore, that our legacy circle should be named the Skipper Society, recognising all those who will play an integral part in the future of the school with a gift in their Will. Click here for more information on the Skipper Society. 

If you have any materials relating to the Dragon that you would like to donate, please contact me at [email protected].

Frances Wheare, Director of Development and Social Impact

I joined the Dragon in June 2024 as the new Director of Development and Social Impact. I’ve been working in fundraising for most of my career, and in that time, I’ve been lucky enough to work in some fantastic institutions. What sets this job apart, for me, is the opportunity to support the school’s Social Impact programme, and in the two months I have been in post, I have been able to see just how central Social Impact is to everything the Dragon does.

Right from the start of their time with us, our young Dragons engage in an array of activities, which they play an active role in planning. This year, to list just a few highlights, we’ve enjoyed fun runs, plant and bake sales, an art exhibition, and the spectacular end-of-year A Block Revue – not to mention the annual Dragon Sale, now in its ninth decade. This is rounded out by a programme of talks and events to stimulate discussion and encourage the whole school community to think about how we can have a positive impact on society.

In 2023-24 we welcomed three new Charities of the Year: local charity Asylum Welcome, which provides advice and practical support to asylum seekers and vulnerable migrants in the Oxfordshire area; FareShare, a national charity which combats food poverty and waste by distributing good, nutritious food that would otherwise go to waste; and World Land Trust, an international conservation charity protecting the world’s most biologically significant and    threatened habitats. In the Charities of the Year programme, the Social Impact team is, once again, ably assisted by our pupils. From voting on the school charities to designing and participating in year group fundraisers, this programme is truly pupil-led, and sits alongside other national appeals such as Children in Need and Comic Relief. We’re excited to watch the Charities of the Year scheme develop in years to come.

The Dragon has always been a school rooted in its local community, and it’s important for us to be able to give back to the city. That’s why one of our Charities of the Year is locally based, and we work hard to cultivate links with local schools and community organisations. We co-design collaborative opportunities for children and staff at local primary schools to learn with and from each other. Our current programme of music, drama and art workshops will be enhanced with the opening of our new Music and Performing Arts Centre, and we invite community groups to participate in our Quest activities.

The final pillar of our Social Impact programme is our Transformational Bursary Programme. The school has always prioritised access for talented children to benefit from a Dragon education, and today this programme benefits as many as 25 children at one time, allowing them to receive an education they wouldn’t be able to otherwise. We know the affect this has, not just on their learning but also their personal skills and confidence.

We’re grateful to everyone who supports our Social Impact activities, whether by volunteering with one of our partner schools, giving to a year group fundraiser, or supporting our community partnerships or Transformational Bursary Programme.

With your backing, there is no limit to what we can achieve, so if you would like to know more about our work in this area, please don’t hesitate to get in touch at [email protected] or on +44(0)1865 315415.


Discover the Dragon

Book an Open Morning

There’s only one way to properly experience the Dragon, and that is to come and see us in action – we hold Open Mornings every term at both the Pre-Prep and the Prep.

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How to apply

When it comes to education, one size doesn’t fit all. Finding the right school is a highly personal, two-way process, so our Admissions team are on hand to talk and to answer any questions you have. 

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Discover Quest

Dragon Quest is our thrilling enrichment programme where children learn new skills and try out new things, reaping the benefits of a school that places equal weight on intellectual, emotional, social and physical development. Some of the activities have direct academic benefits; others are focused on building friendships and life skills.